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Wednesday, May 11, 2022


 How to protect your PC all in one  step, but without firearms. 

The step that I am going to teach you is called  TRON SCRIPT. When you’re infected, you don't

need to go to all these type steps: downloading  Malwarebytes, all those things…

when you're really infected, a scanner might not  save you because you are still going to need to 

rebuild Windows, maybe system corruption and who  knows if that scanner is going to catch it all.

So right off the bat, I’m going  to direct you to Tron Script.

You just Google search, you'll see it right  here on Reddit: Tron fights for the user,  

and this is a very powerful script. It disables  Telemetry, which is Microsoft spying at too.

Very great for privacy. It's going to debloat  Windows a lot like the debloater will.

You just go down to the website here and you  can scroll down you'll see links right here official  

one right there you can use the torrent or  the exe which is there the latest version.

I already have it downloaded so we're going to do  is just going to copy this over to the desktop.

Now, on an infected machine or even on regular  machine... where did it go? there it is  

right click on the Tron (whatever version  it is) and you're running as administrator.

You’re gonna get this warning to not  run. Click more info then run anyway…

Windows Defender… if you’re infected,  your antivirus is lying to you anyway.

Right now it’s extracting the files  the script needs in order to run.

..and now on your desktop, See here?  

There should have been two folders that  pop up; but they didn’t. They are there.

You could look around... don't panic.  Don't Panic this is very common in Windows…

Especially on an infected machine.  They are there, but can’t find them…

but really it's on the desktop. Right  click and hit refresh and poof there it is!

Now in the tron folder, you'll open that and the  two files “tron.bat” and the “resources” folder 

Those have to be on the desktop. Drag both of  those over the desktop and then you're going to

run “tron” as administrator.

See this window coming up is going to be the  next thing that sees that you have ssds this does

not defrag ssds which is not good.

Here you need to you accept the license  you. You have to type in all caps I AGREE,  

I space agree and then hit enter....

and then hit enter again…

Now notice  

that is will skip defrag see? Because I have an  SSD and very bad for four solid state drives.

It created a restore point first, just  in case you don't like how your system  

is after or maybe you're running this  after a new install which I sometimes do

or even if I just need some kind of  funny flicker that might be an infection.

Why not do a full maintenance Windows?

Okay, now if I was going to manually do this  

first thing I would do is just get  rkill.exe which kills malware tasks

that are running in the having to kill  them and end process and processing hoping  

you got up but they keep popping back up or  kill them then we can actually Run system  

and virus scans, malware scans without  malware lying the windows and saying…

basically they're blind.

When you're really infected your  virus scanner can't see anything.

Process Killer is another one.

It’s backing up the registry which will C:/logs.

if you don't like the registry changes well you  

just doubleclick on that reg file  and it will go back where it was.

and see it's such a restore point  Max at 7% which is recommended…

It’s doing a whole bunch of a privacy things:  running ccleaner, temp file cleaner, cleaning  

Internet Explorer your SSL certificate cache… ... all the stuff is websites that you  

saved your form history with you might have  invited a bank that you no longer bank with  

I mean you're going to get a new  one once you go back to the bank.

it's clearing Windows update cache... that  could be 10-20 GB of just stored Windows  

update install files for programs that  they didn't delete after the update.

They just sit there bigger and bigger and bigger  please attempt file because then you could just

clear the temp file and I'll be there but  

right now it's it's removing  all the junk we're kind of like

the they do bloater does on the same scale but  it does it does to debloat you know the obvious

blacklisted stuff so and do a disk cleanup so it's  going to clear all those temp files in appdata for

things that I no longer use it might have been  applications that he used years ago and I'm

installed but there might be gigs of data is  still stored in Windows and then now we're finally

looks like we're going into junk one connect  to Skype that you can't remove you can always

download Skype and then uninstall it later but  the one that comes with windows that when you

can't remove remove OneDrive OneDrive is on my  Microsoft and then you'll have two copies of

your documents and pictures and videos ones  automatically on the cloud with you wanted to be

or not then you might delete a file and why is  it still on one driver you might be hard to keep

track of who am I looking at my computer  hard drive or I looking at the cloud and  

everyone uses dropbox anyway,

so getting rid of that great I'm doing a deep  load so that's going to speed things up press

It ran Sophos, Kaspersky, it  did run the its TDSS(killer)  

and that kills rootkits and rootkits are  nasty things they're in your boot sector…

so you can scan your whole hard drive put in your  boot sector it's going to come back you could

have cleaned all your viruses but she  rebooted viruses back route kids are terrible  

do you even use is McAfee Stinger; one  of the few things McAfee got right.

And here after the disinfect is  done it's running the DISM tool… 

this is comparing your Windows 10 image or  Windows 7 Windows 8 even Vista with what 

Microsoft has and if it's been modified by malware  or at the corrupted is going to automatically

repair it with one Microsoft has so you're  going to have essentially a clean install  

after that it's

going to run the the sfc command which I cover  briefly in my last video I was just a system file

scanner to anything or corrupted any missing  files and I've been doing that since Windows 95

Windows 10 and windows 1.0 3.0 but yeah  sectors were golden this also deleted Telemetry

disable Telemetry right here  

is Microsoft's everything you do  every keystroke don't even really

disclose but we do know that they do watch  everything that are we do with our apps they check

what are Hardware is there a software is where  we go or what we do and you're opted-in to this

by default what you can and it's a bit difficult  where is telling you everything is done Papa tells

you where the logs are a ran malwarebytes as well  installed that head and uninstalled it for you

so you don't have to do that anymore  

this point you could just hit  enter and it'll close the window

and now you can just restart your machine  and everything will be golden don't forget to share this blog. 


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