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Friday, May 27, 2022



have you ever wondered
what it would be
like if you could power your entire home
with one small piece of technology what
about if that piece of technology was
the size of a smartphone and took up
next to no
space in your house pulling energy from
the quantum vacuum you could say goodbye
to the days of paying your utility bills
nikola tesla famously said that no free
energy device will ever be allowed to
reach the market
further to this when tesla had a car
with antenna placed on it and was
running it around town as the batteries
charged themselves
jp morgan reported to have told tesla
if we can't put a meter on it we don't
want it
in 1901 tesla started building the
cliff tower with funding from jpmorgan
tesla hoped
he would be able to create a wireless
system to take the world
off the grid when marconi beat tesla to
wireless radio transmission across the
atlantic tesla changed his plans for the
when jp morgan learned of tesla's plans
for free energy
he immediately cut funding to the
project after all
morgan was a titan of electricity in his
own right
a goliath in the copper industry as well
as being a capitalist
whose work focused around profiting from
in 1905 nikola tesla submitted a patent
entitled the art of transmitting
electrical energy through the
natural medium tesla had realized that
the ionosphere was filled with
electrical energy
that could be easily tapped into seeing
the world as one big
electrical generator tesla believed that
by using an appropriate medium
limitless energy could be harnessed from
the magnetic poles
which the planet centered around tesla
to condense trapped energy between the
surface of the earth
and its upper atmosphere and transform
into an electrical current the sun to
was merely a ball of electricity
positively charged with potentially
200 billion volts
to the contrary earth was charged with
negative electricity and
to tesla this force constituted what he
cosmic energy to experiment and test his
tesla created the tesla coil in colorado
springs on pikes peak
on his quest for a wireless world
unowned by a power grid
tesla created electrical arcs that were
essentially man-made lightning bolts
this lightning was seen for miles around
and helped tesla to prove
that his invention could power light
bulbs wirelessly
in 1931 tesla claimed to have finally
harnessed these cosmic rays in the
brooklyn eagle
explaining that he had caused the rays
to operate a motor device
he said more than 25 years ago
i began my efforts to harness cosmic
rays and i have succeeded
electric power is everywhere present in
unlimited quantities
this new power for the driving of the
world's machinery
will be derived from the energy which
operates in the universe
without the need for coal gas oil
or any other fuel so why after so much
time has passed
do we still use metered linear energy
to power our daily lives our household
and workplace machines and most personal
devices we use
all still run on grid provided
instead of this apparent free energy
which was meant to be
so readily available utilizing this
would finally stop the global reliance
on fossil fuels and
nuclear power however from a macro
economic stability perspective this is
their worst
nightmare 99.999 percent
of people on the planet would benefit
from this
leaving less than 0.001 percent of the
out of pocket this is because that small
percentage are the ones at the top of
the petrodollar system
in the macroeconomic order where
everything runs on metered
linear energy even solar power and wind
if you start a conversation about the
phenomena of new energy
more precisely free energy you are
entering an
overly sensitive area of compartmented
in the history of the united states we
have not needed fossil fuels for around
the last 100 years
at this point in history the rapidly
advancing theories
and quaternion equations put forward by
the likes of tesla maxwell and faraday
were interrupted
this has resulted in the energy sector
of today relying heavily
upon us burning or heating a material or
substance to create steam
to generate electricity or run our cars
the last 100 years has witnessed
considerable developments in physics
principles and elements that were not
understood or even contemplated 100
years ago are now
well interpreted pioneering scientists
such as tesla and faraday were curious
to know where
all of the excess power was coming from
professor paul dierak
called it a dirac c while tesla referred
to it as the ocean
of infinite energy today
it is known as the zero point energy
if you create this kind of vector in a
zero point energy field and you
simultaneously create
a counter rotating vortex which
resembles a sufi light phenomenon
you get what is called lift this in turn
results in what is known in physics
as electrogravidics or in popular
anti-gravity what happens when a ufo
straight up at a speed of 10 000 miles
per hour
moving against gravity well the ufo is
actually in a space-time bubble
having created its own environment there
are no restrictions to normal
and things can lift and go straight up
at these velocities
when an object reaches terminal velocity
it can become
massless during the time of tesla when
alternative current ac was invented
they noticed this effect where a certain
amount of energy would go into a system
and more energy
would come out this ideology was not
accepted until a physicist named
hendrick casimir
published his findings in mainstream
physics journals
his work proved there would still be
energy in the universe
even after cooling all of the atoms to
absolute zero
thus proving the existence of the zero
point energy field
this very field was later found to be in
all of the space that surrounds us every
it is believed that every cubic
centimeter of space has enough power to
energy to the united states for one
whole day
this energy field is so gargantuan if we
decided to run the planet from this
energy source it would be like taking
one ounce of water out of the ocean in
the last
100 years little has changed in terms of
the geopolitical macroeconomic
and this is somewhat problematic not
only are there bankers and kleptocrats
that are
misanthropic sociopaths but there are
several stakeholders that do not want to
deal with these changes
even if you do not accept that in your
the inhumanity of keeping these sciences
and technologies away from the public
and the poverty that it engenders is
comprehension for instance electrifying
the indian subcontinent
to provide everyone with all of the
energy they need
using the conventional energy systems of
today would cost
trillions of dollars every couple of
years there are around
1 000 new coal fire burning power plants
being opened in china
india and elsewhere without scrubbers in
the pacific northwest of the united
states you have a huge amount of
pollution that has drifted across from
asia due to the lack of scrubbers at the
new plants
when you take a closer look at the
cities such as beijing and shanghai
the air is almost not breathable at all
one of the main reasons nikola tesla was
interested in free energy was because he
that there was a warming of the planet
caused by man-made sources of
atmospheric pollutants tesla may have
been the first person to consider
in detail the effects of this phenomenon
now commonly referred to
as global warming or the greenhouse
it is not just the air that is becoming
more polluted
if you look at the oceans you have
instances such as
fukushima reactor releasing radioactive
material into the ocean
in addition to co2 ecosystems in the
ocean are continuously beginning to die
because of the acidity created by such
causing alkaline levels to be disrupted
all of these are macro geophysical
effects currently ongoing while we try
to maintain the current macroeconomic
order in the world
and this is problematic so why doesn't
someone fix it
it is all rather perplexing and the
question at the forefront of many minds
people question why bill gates doesn't
tackle it or why the president doesn't
try to do something about it
but why does it always have to be
someone else if you go to a billionaire
the likelihood is that they will tell
that they want to be first to be second
a common
expression in business especially around
controversial sciences
nobody wants to be the first to stick
their neck out
so it becomes a leadership issue... 


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