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Thursday, May 12, 2022

Restore corrupted usb flash drives to factory setting Easy!

 Restore corrupted usb flash drives. 

you have a drive it's no longer

working it's dead

it's corrupted whatever okay this could

happen if you uh just yanked it out or

you installed some linux distros and

then you wanted to do something else

with it but

it's just not working anymore well you

can restore these back to factory


and i'm going to show you how okay first

we're going to plug in our drive

and it's already plugged in for me and

we're going to open up an elevated

command prompt the way we do this

so we can go to the search here or you

can do you know command

r and then we're going to run it as


okay and the command we're going to run

is disk

part all one word okay this is going to

be the the disk partition tool

next thing we do is we're going to type

list space disk all right

now we're showing two disks here disk

zero is my hard disk

i can know as no it's my disk because

the first one secondly i can see that

it's two terabytes

be very careful because there could be

three four drives here if you have two

hard drives

two solid state drives or maybe another

flash drive in there you don't wanna


well i know this 32 gig flash drive is

disc one i can check i can see that it's

28 gigs here

okay so now we have to select it select

disk one make sure that you get the

right one

now it's selected i'm going to list disk

just to be careful

i see the asterisk here on the side next

to disk 1 32 gigs

it's not my hard drive so i know i have

the right one

now let's clean all the partitions off


now if i do clean all it's going to

really wipe it you'd want to do that if

you need to do a secure wipe or if

you're trying to load this

onto bsd as a volume or

like a certain nas systems um where the

the first and last

parts of the uh of the partition need to

be completely wiped

but that will take up to an hour

sometimes so we're just going to do

clean to

kill all the partitions okay now we've

cleaned it

but now we have to create a primary

partition create

partition primary

which is where we're going to save all

our files enter

we've created the partition but we can't

save anything yet to it

so we need to actually format it we're

going to format

space fs for file system

equals and for this size of drive we'll

go with exfat you can go with fat32 and

that'll work with everybody

exfat for fast drives ntfs you know if

you wanted to

make like something you're going to use

exclusively with windows we're gonna go


now if i just hit enter here this is

gonna be a low level format which

is gonna wipe all the data but you know

it we're gonna overwrite it anyway

we don't wanna spend an hour formatting

the drive so we're gonna do a quick


so space quick

enter done now my heart my

antivirus is scanning it because it's a

new drive and our new usb

drive is right here you won't see this

because i have hidden files

shown and everything but this is an

empty drive it's now working

that's how you restore a usb drive back

to factory settings. 



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