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Friday, December 1, 2023

Native MS Windows commands

Native MS Windows commands

Native MS Windows commands

The following section provides a list of useful commands during a penetration testing or red teaming exercise, even when having physical access to the system or having a remote shell to communicate to the target. These commands are not limited to the following:

Command Samples and Descriptions

Command Sample Description
nslookup nslookup
Set type=any
ls -d
nslookup is used to query the DNS. The sample command does DNS zone transfer using nslookup.
net view net view This displays a list of computers/domains and other shared resources.
net share net share list="c:" This manages the shared resources and displays all information about the shared resources on the local system.
net use net use \\[targetIP] [password] /u:[user]
net use \\[targetIP]\[sharename] [password] /u:[user]
This connects to any system on the same network; it can also be used for retrieving a list of network connections.
net user net user [UserName [Password | *] [options]] [/domain]
net user [UserName {Password | *} /add [options] [/domain]]
net user [UserName [/delete] [/domain]]
This displays information regarding users and performs activity related to user accounts.
arp arp /a
arp /a /n
arp /s 00-AA-00-4F-2A-9C
This displays and modifies any entries in the ARP cache.
route route print
route print 10.*
route add mask
route delete 10.*
Similar to ARP, route can be utilized to understand the local IP routing and modify this information.
netstat netstat -n -o This displays all active TCP connections and ports on the local system, including information on Ethernet and IP routing tables (IPv4 and IPv6) and statistics.
nbtstat nbtstat /R
nbtstat /S 5
nbtstat /a Ip
This displays NETBIOS information, typically utilized to identify a particular MAC address of an IP, which can be used in MAC spoof attacks.
wmic wmic process get caption,executablepath,commandline
wmic netsh wlan profile="profilename" key=clear
Wmic is utilized for typical diagnostics an attacker can perform; for example, extracting a system's Wi-Fi password in a single command.
reg reg save HKLM\Security sec.hive
reg save HKLM\System sys.hive
reg save HKLM\SAM sam.hive
reg add [\\TargetIPaddr\][RegDomain][ \Key ]
The reg command is used by attackers to save registry hives to perform offline password attacks.
for for /L %i in (1,1,10) do echo %ii && ping -n 5 IP
for /F %i in (password.lst) do @echo %i& @net use \\[targetIP] %i /u:[Username] 2>nul&& pause && echo [Username] :%i>>done.txt
The for loop can be utilized in Windows to create a port scanner or enumeration of accounts.

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